Privacy Policy
Beacon Park Baptist Church (the Church) is committed to a policy of protecting the rights and privacy of the children and young people (the students) who attend the various Sunday, Thursday and Friday Clubs operated by the Church. The same applies to details of those older friends who attend the Over 50s meetings currently held on the first Saturday each month. The same also applies to those who details are needed to enable advantage to be taken of the Gift Aided giving scheme operated by HMRC. This is in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2018.
The Pastor and Deacons of Beacon Park Baptist Church (the Officers) are the Data Controllers and this policy will be regularly reviewed to ensure it is up-to-date and conforms to current regulations.
The data held
1./ Children and Young People (students):
The personal data held about the students is held on registers which are kept securely on personal computers of certain church members. All data held is for “legitimate interests” which consist of the following:
* Contacting parents /carers while the children/young people attend various church clubs and meetings where an accident or serious incident has occurred.
* Visiting parents/carers if there are concerns arising because of attendance at the church’s activities. These concerns may be due to safeguarding issues arising, of behavioural concerns or other issues that need to be discussed with parents/cares.
Personal data held are names and contact details. Parents and carers have the right of access to information held by the church. The data held will be amended as necessary and will be reviewed regularly to ensure it is kept up-to-date. Requests by parents or carers concerning personal information held should be made to the Church Officers.
2./ Over 50s attendees
The personal data concerning those who attend the Over 50s meetings is also held securely on computers owned by church members. This is also held for “legitimate interests” as follows:
* Contacting those who attend the meetings with a reminder of the date of the next meeting
* Visiting those who attend if non-attendance gives rise to concerns regarding health or safety.
Personal data held are names and contact details. Individuals concerned have the right of access to information held by the church. The data held will be amended as necessary and will be reviewed regularly to ensure it is kept up-to-date. Requests concerning what information is held should be made to the church officers.
3./ Financial information
To enable advantage to be taken of the of Gift Aided giving, various information will be kept by the treasurer. This constitute data held for “legitimate interest” Requests concerning information held should be made to the church officers.
Use of data
The data is collected only to facilitate the work of the Church. It will not be shared with any outside individual or organisation. If a request for information is made, the individual will be notified and only passed on with the express consent of the parent/carer or individual concerned.
The registrars of the various clubs and meetings process the data given by the parents, carers, students and others for and on behalf of the church officers. The church officers have put in place procedures that will provide security and protection against unauthorised access to information.
The Church respects the need for confidentiality of personal data always.
* Students – Personal data is collected at weekly registration on hard copy registers which are transferred to computer files and kept electronically on personal computers which are password protected. The registrars are responsible for uploading the information to computer files on a weekly basis. When not present at the various clubs and meetings, hard copy registers are kept securely either in the homes of the registrars or in a secured facility on church premises. Any sheets of paper used in the absence of the hard copy register are shredded as soon as the information is transferred to the hard copy register and/or the computer held files. Personal computers are protected with passwords known only by the individuals concerned.
Hard copy registers are shredded after one year, and personal data held on computer is deleted one year after a student’s last attendance at the Club or meeting.
* Attendees of Over 50s meetings – names and contact details are kept securely on the Pastor’s password protected computer. Any sheets of paper used are shredded as soon as the information is transferred to the computer held files.
Personal data held on computer is deleted one year after the last attendance.
* Finance – Financial information is kept by the Church’s Treasurer on password protected private computers. Information may be shared with the Church’s Independent Examiner, HMRC and the Charity Commission all of whom would be expected to keep the information confidential.
Personal data is deleted one year after the last reasonable use has been made of that data
Breach of personal data
Should there be a breach of personal data held by the Church, the church officers will inform the I.C.O. within 72 hours on 0303 1231113 or if “it could result in discrimination, damage to reputation, financial loss, loss of confidentiality or any other significant economic or social disadvantage.” (Ref. Preparing for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): 12 steps to take now)
The right to be forgotten or object.
Any student, parent, carer, over 50s fellowship attendee or any donor who wishes to have their personal data erased may make such request of the church officers who will ensure such deletion occurs within 21 days.
The right to object to the church holding your data for legitimate interests may be exercised by way or request to the church officers. However, this will mean that the student will be unable to attend any of the church’s clubs or meetings.
Any objection may be addressed to the Information Commissioner Office (I.C.O.) on 0303 1231113 or
The Church Officers
May 2018