Click ‘Next’ to start this week’s quiz. This is a long memory test over a lot of lessons, so make sure you’re ready…
Perhaps you should have another try! Have you realised that God is calling you, trusted His promises and asked Him to save you? If you have then you will know what it’s like to have your prayers answered and experience everything in your life working out for the best, just like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph did.
#1 Have you watched this week’s lesson?
Although it’s revision week, you should definitely still watch the lesson!
#2 Over the last few weeks, we have learned about a very famous family, whose history and God’s plan for them is told in the first book of the Bible. What is the first book of the Bible?
Of course it’s Genesis! God used Moses to write the book of Genesis around 4000 years ago.
#3 The first member of the family we learned about was Abraham, who was called by God to make a long journey to a promised land. Why did Abraham follow God’s instruction?
Abraham was a man of faith and knew that God would keep His promises and protect him and provide for him wherever he was.
#4 God put Abraham’s faith to the test in a particular way; what was the test?
Abraham was prepared to do what God commanded and trusted that God had a plan even though he didn’t know what it was. When God stopped Abraham and provided a ram for the sacrifice to take Isaac’s place, it gives a picture to us of what the Lord Jesus did on the cross.
#5 We learned about Abraham’s nephew, Lot, who had a choice to make between following his uncle’s example, or taking what looked like an easier way, which he thought would make him rich and successful. How did Lot’s choice work out?
Lot’s selfish choice turned out to be disastrous for him and his family. If we turn away from the Lord and go our own way we will find the same thing: that life without God is empty and bitter, hopeless and cruel.
#6 Abraham’s son, Isaac, needed to find a wife. How did they go about finding someone for him to marry?
God answered their prayer in a most wonderful way, and He will also answer our prayers if we really mean them.
#7 Isaac married Rebekah and they had twin sons, Esau, the eldest by a few minutes, and Jacob. Esau should have inherited the family goods and especially God’s promises to the family. Did Esau take this seriously and what happened to the inheritance?
Because he didn’t care much about his part in God’s plan, Esau was prepared to swap it for a bowl of soup! He is a warning to us not to dismiss God’s love and mercy.
#8 Because Jacob had tricked his father and made his brother Esau so angry that he threatened to kill him, he had to run away. On his journey, he had to sleep in the open. How did God speak to him?
God sent Jacob a dream about a ladder reaching up to Heaven and angels going up and down the ladder. We learnt that the dream is a picture to us of the cross of Jesus which has made it possible for us to reach Heaven and brings God’s love down to earth.
#9 Jacob was away for over 20 years before he decided to return home, having become prosperous, hoping to be reconciled with Esau and bringing him many gifts. The night before he met Esau, he had a wrestling match; who did he wrestle with and why?
Jacob wrestled all night until the sun started to rise in the morning. We learnt from Jacob that if we really want to have our sins forgiven and have the Lord Jesus save us then we need to keep praying and not let Him go until He has forgiven and saved us.
#10 Jacob has returned home happily and is back in the Promised Land, with his large family. Who was Jacob’s favourite son and how did that son make his family angry?
Jacob loved Joseph more than his other sons because he saw that Joseph loved and trusted God and wanted to do what was right. He even made Joseph a special coat of many different colours. When Joseph had his dreams about the sheaves and the stars he realised that they were from God and didn’t mind what his brothers said about him or thought of him. We learnt that sometimes we worry too much about what other people think and not enough about what God thinks, and that we should ask the Lord to help us to be more like Joseph.
#11 Joseph’s brothers sell him into slavery because they are so jealous of him. His life has lots of ups and downs, he becomes head of his master’s household, but then goes to prison and finally ends up as Prime Minister of Egypt. What do these events teach Joseph?
Joseph went through many difficult times in his life, but he remained content and joyful through them all because he knew that God was with him and would help and protect him. He also trusted that God had a special plan just for him and we learnt that if we become a true Christian then the same will be true for us too.
#12 This series of lessons about Abraham and his many descendants has taught us a lot about this family’s history. Although they lived thousands of years ago, people are still the same today, wherever they live, rich and poor, boys and girls. What do these lessons teach us today?
We have been taught many vital lessons in this series. Hopefully you have got 12/12 in this quiz…!
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