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#1 Have you watched this week’s lesson?
Surely you must have got the hang of this by now!
#2 What is a miracle?
A miracle is definitely NOT magic. Jesus did many miracles – for example, He healed great numbers of sick people. He even raised people from the dead. Only Jesus (who is the Son of God) could do this.
#3 What was the matter with the man who met Jesus in today’s lesson?
The man had been blind ever since he was born.
#4 The Bible tells us that in one sense we are all blind. This means that, if we do not have the Lord Jesus as our Saviour ……
All these are true, and more besides. If we do not know the Lord Jesus Christ for ourselves, we are blind to all the important things in life.
#5 What did the man have to do, before he could see?
He had to go and wash, and when he went to do that, he showed that he trusted what Jesus had told him to do.
#6 The Lord Jesus Christ has done everything necessary for us to be saved. What must I do, if I want Jesus to save me.
It is good to come to Sunday school, and to be kind, but those things do not make us a Christian. We must repent (be truly sorry for our sin), and believe in the Lord Jesus. Then He will save us, for now, and for ever.
#7 What did the man do next?
He wanted to serve the Lord for the rest of his life. Every Christian is the same – once we know that the Lord Jesus has saved us, we want to please him.
#8 At the time of this miracle, Jesus said, ‘I am the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the world’. The missing word is:
Jesus is the Truth and the Way too, but when He did this miracle, He showed that He truly is the Light of the world.
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