Sunday School Quiz – Lesson 56: Working Men

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#1 In today’s lesson we learned about shepherds. What job does a shepherd have?

Yes, a shepherd’s job was to look after sheep. In Bible times it was a hard job with many dangers. Shepherds were strong and brave. They would look after their flock of sheep day and night. There were many wild animals that would try to attack the sheep and the shepherds would sometimes even have to fight with bears and lions.


#2 In today’s lesson something incredible happened to a group of shepherds whilst they were caring for their sheep on the hillsides of Bethlehem. What happened?

Yes, an angel appeared in a blaze of light in the sky. At first the shepherds were afraid but the angel brought wonderful news that filled them with joy. After this many angels then filled the sky and sang praises to the Lord God.


#3 At first the shepherds were afraid of the angel but after listening to the angel’s message they were filled with happiness and joy. What message did the angels bring?

Yes, the angel told the shepherds that the Saviour had been born in Bethlehem. The angel told the shepherds where they could find Jesus too. After this the sky was filled with many angels and they sang praises to God. They said “Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace, good will toward men.”


#4 What time of year do we especially think about the birth of Jesus Christ?

Yes, Christmas time is the time of year when Christians especially remember the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. It is lovely to spend time with family and give and receive presents but we should always try to remember that the best gift this world has ever received was when Jesus left heaven to be born in this world. Jesus came down because He knew that one day He would die on the cross to take away the sins of all those who trust in Him.


#5 The shepherds were told the good news by the angels. Where can we hear about this wonderful news today?

Yes, everything we need to know about the Lord Jesus and how He can be our Saviour is recorded for us in the Bible. We can read it for ourselves and we can also listen to our Sunday School lessons and ask our Sunday School teachers if we have any questions.


#6 After receiving this wonderful news, what did the shepherds do next?

Yes, the shepherds knew how important Jesus was and they wanted to find Him straight away. They did not make any excuses or wait until it was morning time. They rushed down into Bethlehem and found Jesus laying in a manger and they worshipped Him for they believed that he was the Son of God who had come to save them from their sins. What is our reaction when we hear about Jesus? Many people are not interested and carry on living their lives without praying to Him. Some people think that they will wait until they are older and then pray to Him. We must learn from the shepherds’ example and pray to Him today and ask Him to forgive us.


#7 Jesus’ life did not begin in Bethlehem. He is the Son of God and He is eternal. Before coming down to Bethlehem as a baby He lived in Heaven. Why did Jesus give up all the wonders of heaven to live in our sinful world?

Yes, Jesus knew that every person is full of sin. We have all ignored the Lord and His commandments and deserve to be punished and sent away from Him for ever. But the wonderful news of the Bible is that God loves us even though we have not loved Him. Jesus said that He would come into this world and die on the cross of calvary for us. On the cross He was punished for all the things we have done wrong so that we can go freely to heaven one day if we believe and trust in Him.


#8 The Bible tells us that everyone who truly repents and believes in Jesus with all their heart will have their sins forgiven, their hearts made clean and be taken to heaven to be with the Lord Jesus one day. What does it mean to repent?

Yes, repentance is when we recognise that we have done many sinful things which have displeased the Lord. We say sorry to God and ask Him to help us to not do those sins anymore. When we speak to God in prayer, He knows whether or not we really mean what we say or not. He has promised that He will always hear the prayers of everyone who truly repents and believes that Jesus died on the cross to save them.


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