Click here to see a display of the beautiful colouring that has been returned recently.
Sunday 25th April – The Grand Banquet
This week’s lesson is based on another of Jesus’ parables:
Here is this week’s quiz.
Sunday 18th April – The Lost Son
This week’s lesson:
This week’s memory verse:
This week’s quiz is here.
Sunday 11th April – The Lost Sheep
This week’s lesson is all about another of Jesus’ parables:
This week’s memory verse is from Luke chapter 15:
When you have watched the lesson, try to answer this week’s quiz questions here.
In Bible Class, have a go at these two quick puzzles
Easter Sunday
Our Easter lesson is here, and there is a new chorus to learn in it.
This week our memory verse comes from Galatians chapter 2 verse 20:
Our quiz is a bit different this week. If you can’t print it out then get yourself a pen and some paper to write down all the answers:
Here are this week’s Easter activities:
And the colouring is below. This week you have a choice:
And a Bible Class quiz here
Sunday 28th March – The Lost Coin
In this week’s lesson we will think about the well-known parable of our Lord about the lost coin:
Then have a go at learning this wonderful verse:
When you’ve seen the lesson, have a go at answering the quiz questions here.
Sunday 21st March – NEW SERIES! -The Rich Fool
This week’s lesson, the first in a new series, is about the Rich Fool:
This week’s memory verse with Mr Riedel:
When you’ve watched the lesson, see how much you’ve learned with this week’s quiz here.
Sunday 14th March – Revision
Today we will be going right back to the start of God’s rescue plan for the Israelites:
Here is this week’s memory verse with Mr Butler:
The quiz this week is a tough one! Enjoy.
Sunday 7th March – Home at Last!
Our lesson this week is about the final stage of the Israelites’ journey to the Promised Land and what we can learn about Heaven.
This week Mr Christopher will help us learn a wonderful promise of the Lord:
This week’s quiz is here. Have you watched the lesson?!
Sunday 28th February – Brazen Serpent
This week’s lesson with Mr Riedel:
See if you can learn this wonderful verse:
This week’s quiz is here.
Sunday 21st February – Refusing to Enter
This week’s lesson with Mr Clarke:
Our memory verse contains the promise that the people should have trusted.
When you’ve watched the lesson try this week’s quiz.
Sunday 14th February – The Day of Atonement
This week’s lesson contains many precious illustrations of the Lord Jesus:
Mr Butler is going to help us learn a precious verse from Hebrews:
Can you answer all the questions in this week’s quiz?
Sunday 7th February 2021 – The Golden Calf
This week’s lesson takes us back to the book of Exodus. The subject of today’s lesson may not be suitable for the youngest children as it deals with the dangers of worldly living.
The verse we are going to try to memorise this week comes from Exodus chapter 20.
This week’s Sunday School quiz is here.

Sunday 31st January 2021 – People Jesus Met: Revision
This week, Mr Riedel will help us review the series:
This week’s memory verse is from Psalm 31:
Can you answer ALL the questions in this week’s quiz?!
Sunday 24th January 2021 – A dying thief
This week’s lesson with Mr Clarke Jr:
See if you can learn this verse from the passage of the Bible we are thinking about in our lesson this week:
This week’s quiz is here.
Sunday 17th January 2021 – A sorrowing widow
This week’s lesson is about a sorrowing widow that Jesus made very glad.
Can you learn these verses from the Bible?
Here is this week’s quiz. Make sure you’ve watched the lesson first!
And a quiz for Bible Class
Sunday 10th January 2021 – Children
This week’s lesson is about Jesus’ love for children.
Here is the memory verse with Mr Christopher:
Here is this week’s quiz.
Sunday 3rd January 2021 – New Year!
Happy New Year everyone! This week we have our new year motto text as our theme.
Try to learn the Motto text with Mr Butler’s help:
Here is the Sunday School quiz.
Bible class – try this quiz! Bible Class Quiz 3rd Jan 2021
Looking for previous weeks?
We’ve moved things around a bit to stop this page getting too big and slow! Don’t worry, all the things you have been used to seeing here are just one click away: